Program foundation:
A child is a unique and complete being
Every child is a person with their own unique possibilities and equal rights to have their
uniqueness recognized and respected.
The child is competent and rich in potential
A child is not only a being of need, he possesses potentials and developing capacities that
make him a competent participant in his own learning and development.
Active participation in the community of peers and adults
A child is a social being, naturally focused on relationships with peers and adults.
The child is dedicated to learning
A child has an innate motivation to learn and find out. From birth, he tries to understand the world around him and master it.
The child is creative
A child has the creative potential to express himself and his understanding of the world in many different ways and to creatively connect different dimensions of his experience and process his ideas and experiences.
A child is a being of play
Play is the child's innate way of relating to the world through which he experiences, expands and processes experiences, shapes himself and the world and builds knowledge about himself, developing the potential of openness, flexibility and creativity, as the basis of all learning and development.
Learning competences
These are the key educational competencies for lifelong learning in preschool education on which the program of work with children is based:
Communication in the mother tongue
Communication in a foreign language
Learning to learn
Social and civic competencies
Initiative and enterpreneurship
Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Mathematical and scientific competiencies